National Business Case Competition (NBCC) Testimonial by Bernard Kandawasvika – Oriel Boys High School
There is so much I got to learn from being part of the NBCC but a few takeaways I would single out are:
- The courage to tackle the problems around me instead of waiting for someone else to come and solve a problem for me.
- The realisation that with preparation, hard work and a deep desire to pull through, I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
- Lastly I learnt that the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. The competition was surely tough but that toughness brought out the diamond with me.
Vision for the Future
Before the NBCC I wanted to find a decent job, make a decent wage and take care of my family. After the NBCC my vision of the future I hoped for was enhanced. Now I have a deep desire not just to get a job and work but rather to do great work that I will be remembered for one day. I want to have an impact on peoples’ lives and inspire a generation that makes a bold statement to the world. Before the NBCC I had chosen Financial Accounting as a career path but now I have added Structural Engineering as a duo workover. I would desire to use three mediums in achieving my goals, through creation of media and television content, through financial and personal growth coaching and construction works.
Successes as a Result of Participating in the Competition
The first success I would mention that came as a result of the NBCC is proceeding to the finals of the Simuka Phakama Green Innovation Challenge organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The competition was very tough given the fact that I was now competing for venture capital amongst well-seasoned professionals. However I managed to proceed to the finals of the competition thanks to the preparation I was given by the NBCC.
Another stepping stone success would be the start-up of two companies. The first being Grana Foods, which is a food processing company that started in our garage. My mother used to produce food products such as concentrate juice and maputi, after the NBCC Finals 2019 I decided to brand and commercially sell the products she was making at home which led to the start-up of Grana foods. We still have a long way to go but we are taking it one step at a time.
Another notable success would be the start-up of Breakthrough Media, A company which produces educative and entertaining content for television. This has by far been the most rewarding venture I have started and shockingly it came inspired through the NBCC. After taking a close look at the NBCC footage of the 2019 competition I decided to test the waters and see if I could come up with compelling content and if I could capture events for clients in a way that was unique. Within a few months I had bought my first Camera and till now the journey has been both exciting and challenging but nonetheless enjoyable.
If I were to list three words to describe the NBCC I would choose:
- Inspiring
- Effective
- Learner Oriented
Grateful for all NBCC Partners
If I were to speak to the donors who helped fund the program I would tell them Thank you so much for believing in us. Your contribution has made a great impact in my life and the lives of those around me. I might not know you by name but I am forever grateful for the work you do. If need be, I am at your service. I recently left formal employment about a week ago to work full time on my start-ups.