St. Dominics Chishawasha is Tackling Food Security With Agricultural Foil!

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St. Dominics Chishawasha is Tackling Food Security With Agricultural Foil!

Nov 10, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Meet the St Dominics Chishawasha team!

This group of students noticed that food security continues to be a critical challenge in Zimbabwe and has worsened due to the lack of sufficient moisture ideal for maximum crop yields.

Their research pointed out that the reservoirs that supply water to Harare and Mashonaland East (Lake Chivero and Cleveland Dam) are riddled with Microcystin LR, a toxin abundant in algae that causes problems in the growth of crops.

Their solution focuses in producing agricultural foil for moisture preservation and improving growth and germination. In addition, the covering of crops and plants will reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides, reduce water consumption, and keeps fertilizer closer to the plant. They will manufacture the foil through their company, GREEN private limited.

Their company uses innovative methods to combat climate change while aiming to make profits for its owners. They are targeting the horticultural sector of Zimbabwe, particularly in the Mashonaland East districts. They plan to reach their market through farming portals and influencers such as musician turned-farmer Fungisai Zvakavapano.

The venture is worth getting excited over, as their tagline suggests, “GREEN farming applications will make you GRIN!”

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