Reliable, Low-Cost and Eco-Friendly Source of Transport from Westridge High Learners!

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Reliable, Low-Cost and Eco-Friendly Source of Transport from Westridge High Learners!

Nov 2, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Westridge High School Business Venture: : Solar & Kinetic Powered Electric Bike Sharing System (Enda Cycles).

From their research, the Westridge High School team discovered that pollution has risen by 54.6% from 2019-2021 due to informal transport. To help improve these alarming statistics, they came up with their business venture Enda Cycle.

Their solution provides a reliable and low-cost source of transport. From as little as 30 cents, a customer can get the solar and kinetic-powered electric shared bike and conveniently arrive at their destination. This system also allows for independent travel for its customers.

To support their bike-sharing system, the learners will develop the Enda Cycle app through which customers will make online payments, order groceries for delivery, access a bike, and advertise.

Enda Cycles will impact the everyday lives of university students and the community by offering low-cost, reliable and health-friendly transportation.

With Enda Cycle offering convenience, affordability, independence, and eco-friendliness, the Westridge High School team has an opportunity to create some real change in the Zimbabwean transport sector.

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