Persea Brands Soft Launches Their Avocado Coffee – AvoNaturo!

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Persea Brands Soft Launches Their Avocado Coffee – AvoNaturo!

Feb 14, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It seems we are finally in the Virtual Innovation Accelerator (VIA) phase where there is always a victory to celebrate. Our VIA learners from Nyatsime High School launched their coffee brand, AvoNaturo last week Sunday!

The team took advantage of their school’s opening day to build brand awareness around their product amongst their peers, parents and the school staff members. What a great marketing tactic!

The team got a lot of positive reviews from the people who tried out their product and they are super excited and working on producing more product so they can supply the demand they have created, having received some orders from their soft launch.

Shaun Mapuranga, the team leader of Persea Brands mentioned that the team is very grateful they got to be part of this accelerator as it has equiped them with practical skills on creating a business and developing an actual product.

Well done Team Nyatsime! We’re excited to see you grow your business venture further!

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