Emergination Africa Presents to His Excellency President Emmerson D. Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe

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Emergination Africa Presents to His Excellency President Emmerson D. Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe

Jul 20, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Emergination Africa is continuously fighting towards ensuring that young learners are developing their global skills in line with the Zimbabwean National Curriculum. on July 18th, 2018 we had the opportunity to present our vision and work to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Emmerson D. Mnangagwa .

We took the opportunity to network in order to get connected to all the relevant structures that will make youth empowerment through educational mentorship and skills transfer possible. Firm handshakes and smiles, a clear indication that the President gave us his vote of confidence ahead of pilot with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education

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